Mesothelioma Cancer

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mesothelioma - A Tragedy That Could Have Been Averted

As a product of connivance and expedience, a lethal conjugation between meretriciously laden governments and spurious corporations, materials containing asbestos have been allowed to grow rifely all over the U.S.A.; and in so doing, mesothelioma has been permitted to thrive. Due to this reason, you need to know the facts about mesothelioma, because the main issue is not about encouraging barratry; it is not about accessing a scheme to get rich quickly by suing the corporations that are liable; but rather, a matter of decency, of decorum.

Why decency and decorum? Because these two factors, due to blatant negligence, have been stolen from anybody who has been afflicted by mesothelioma and, subsequently, has had to defray the costly medications, therapies, and hospitalizations. All this regardless of whether or not there was some kind of insurance coverage. Moreover, the affliction is not limited to those who directly suffer the consequences of the disease; it also includes all the loved ones that may become orphans, widows or widowers.

These nefarious corporations owe you the right to fight for your life with decency and decorum, because no one should give up without seeking an alternative that could allow a chance of survival. Neither should your loved ones become destitute in the event of a fatal outcome. This is why learning the facts about mesothelioma is crucial and peremptory to all who are actually experiencing the symptoms, as well as to those who've been exposed and may become symptomatic in 15 or 50 years, because this is how long it takes for mesothelioma to develop.

The current median regarding mesothelioma settlements may vary, while trials are rendering verdicts in the neighborhood of $60 million, or slightly more. So, the likely ensuing question would be, why settle? The answer to this question may be accurately purveyed by numerous lawyers.

Nonetheless, one compelling reason for you to choose a settlement over the outcome of a probably favorable verdict, would be the wear and tear your already aching body would have to endure by mobilizing from home or the hospital, aside from the enervating and grueling experience of a court cross examination. Moreover, the losing party would most likely appeal, and that would add many months, if not years, to the actual disbursement of the first payment you, as the plaintiff, would expect to receive; yet, payment would be effective only if the original verdict isn't overturned in the appeal.

So, as you may have already evinced, the choice of either a settlement or a trial lawsuit, is a personal decision; one that cannot afford to be taken lightly. Your case should be judged on its merits; therefore, total honesty is required from your part in order to have justice be duly served. Otherwise you would be embarking onto a vacuous travesty that has no regard for the true meaning of a dignified life.

Many are deceived into thinking that suing for a health related case, may be somewhat equated to a lottery jackpot, which couldn't be more aberrantly misconstrued; yet, that's the way some misguided people would behave. The potentially pecuniary accretion you could experience would, actually, represent only a fraction of the essence of life that was stolen from you. A life whose trust has been utterly beguiled and manipulated by expedient corporations. How your life is valued and how it should be measured is up to your conceptual definition of wealth, success and life itself.

posted by Andrew at 6:14 PM


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